Ghost of Saffron Hot Sauce – Funky Chunky Jewels
Ghost of Saffron Hot Sauce
Ghost of Saffron Hot Sauce

Ghost of Saffron Hot Sauce

Regular price $10.00 $0.00
HEAT RATING: MEDIUM My first truly wonderful Taco was an experience I have never forgotten and this sauce is very reminiscent of that. However, the sauce is so much more than just a taco sauce. Ghost of Saffron combines all of my favorite aspects of an incredible hot sauce into one insane flavor bomb! The combination of Scotch bonnet and ghost peppers lead to a very complex and satisfying burn, while the avocado oil brings a luxurious mouthfeel to the sauce. Roasted garlic and onion combined with toasted cumin seed in just a whisper of saffron to create a sauce that I never thought could be achieved.

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